Week Eleven – Coding in the Classroom

Nowadays, children are constantly playing different video games and using apps, with the use of coding they can view what is happening behind the scenes in a more simplified format.  Introducing technology to the classroom is a great way to increase engagement with students and further develop skills such as problem solving, logic, pattern recognition, and it will help them better understand the world of technology.

We discussed SAMR – which is a model for technology integration.

Substitution allows for differing ways to approach a learning activity.  For example, when writing a story, students could type or record audio of their story, instead of standard paper and pen writing.

      Augmentation is when technology alters the learning activity slightly.  Using the example above, when student’s type a story, they have the option to accept grammar editing.  Therefore, it depends on the objective of the lesson, whether a teacher would like students to focus more on learning to spell or story drafting.

            Modification refers to when technology significantly modifies the learning activity.  This opens up the opportunity for peer review or formative assessment during the activity.

                   Redefinition is when the technology completely alters the activity and allows for more exploration beyond paper and pen.  Student’s can use memes, images, short videos, or graphics to build stories.

How do you make it so that your formatives are more than just a substitution and move up to augmentation, modification, or redefinition according to the SAMR model? - Specialized Application -


I am going to link a few resources below for my own keeping and for future use.  I got to experiment first hand with Scratch Jr., but I had difficulties manipulating the app in such a short period, so now that I have it downloaded, I plan to experiment with it some more in my free time.

  • Common Sense is a resource that reviews media, movies, apps to determine age-appropriateness.  This is an excellent tool for educators and parents.
  • Code BC is a website full of coding resources that connect to the BC Curriculum.
  • Scratch and Scratch Jr. is a coding game that begins simple and can increase in difficulty with age and expertise.
  • Hour of Code is a website filled with tutorials and introductions to coding technology.  It contains videos for educators to use worldwide.
  • Sphero and Beebots is a blend of the physical world of robots to computer science logic and sequencing.

These are great resources for parents and guardians as well!


Hope you find them useful one day too!

xoxo missrose

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